How to Join the CSTS

The annual membership subscription is £15 for the period September to July.  New members are welcome, and those joining after December may be offered a discounted rate for the first year of membership, at the discretion of the Membership Secretary.

Visitors to this website who wish to join the Society should download the Membership Application Form, which is available as a Word DOC file or a PDF file.  Complete the Form and send it to the Membership Secretary (whose address is given on the form).

The most convenient way to pay your subscription is by Standing Order; you can download the Standing Order form, or you can generally set it up via your internet banking website using account name 'Cirencester Science and Technology Society', sort code 40-52-40, account no. 00016646 and including 'sub' and your name as the payment reference.   

Alternatively your subscription can be paid by cheque for the appropriate amount made payable to CSTS and sent with your application to the Membership Secretary, or handed in at the next talk.

Here is the invitation for our Zoom lectures:

CSTS CirenSciTechSoc is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: CSTS CirenSciTechSoc's Monthly Talk
Time: This is a recurring meeting on the second Wednesday of every month at 7:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 912 0723 6181
Passcode: cester

The Constitution of the Society can be downloaded by clicking here.



Members Menu

The Society's Aims:

Fostering an awareness of the developments in Science and Technology in the wider community in and around Cirencester

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Got a Suggestion?

We welcome suggestions for talks or visits.  If you think a particular topic would interest you or other members, or if you hear a good speaker who you think might be available to come to Cirencester, please email us here. If you have an idea for a visit, send the details here.